The Enemy Within
author: Sonny René Stermole
Chapter 7
Under Another Name

The Trojan Horse "defense" is but one New Age technique. The "Just Drive" maneuver is another ploy to watch out for. Before you consider replacing analytical thinking with psychic "intuition" analyze the advice given by advocates in the field.

You may feel a gentle urge to drive in a particular direction. Follow that urge. Do not think about it or analyze it. Just drive.
p. 189 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Strange advice from persons who warn of "remote psychic manipulation" and "externally induced suggestions by others."

Learning to discriminate our own psychic impressions from externally induced suggestions by others may also ultimately protect us from the possibility of remote psychic manipulation.
p. 9 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Fundamentally, psychic impressions are externally induced impressions. Fundamentally, shutting down the mental processes and shutting down analytical thinking and opening oneself to psychic impressions represents placing oneself at "ground zero" of psychic manipulation. Shutting down analytical thinking and handing one's brain over to impression or intrusion by outside entities is like giving it away. It's handing the keys of your automobile over.

The issues are distorted by psychic advocates who state:

We believe it is time for all of us to claim our right to function psychically. You own your own mind. It is important not to give it away, or fail to use it to its full potential.
p. 246 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

"You own your own mind" ? Good. Hold on to it. Indeed, it is important not to give it away for manipulation or occupation by outside discarnate entities. The apparent inference by advocates of psychic power is, however, that your ownership of your own mind entitles you to things which they claim, and their inference is that if you do not pursue psychic functions that you are giving your mind away. Quite to the contrary. The plunge into "illumination" "casts aside mind."

You might own your own body, but prisons are full of persons who have used their bodies to violate the bodies of others. You do not own the bodies of other human beings. You might own your own mind, but you do not own the minds of other human beings to violate them. What of the claim to have a "right" to "function psychically" ? Which psychic "technologies" do the authors of The Mind Race and The Warrior's Edge specifically teach ? If anyone claims a "right" to practice psychic powers to manipulate, psychically influence and violate others, it should be noted that leaders in the field such as The Warrior's Edge authors have enunciated ethically specious, even outrageous guidelines. Is it not a false claim to have a right to violate privacy, to manipulate with "invasive technologies" ? Exclusion from psychic or other "technologies" of invasion of one's home or person is, on the other hand, a "self-evident" right expressed in the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, written by America's Founding Fathers.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated ..."
Fourth Amendment, (Bill of Rights), U.S. Constitution.

The interpretation that the search and seizure restrictions of the Fourth Amendment apply only to government is a prescription for a totalitarian state wherein private citizens serve as adjuncts in violating 4th Amendment rights.

The private citizen component to the 4th Amendment respecting "search and seizure" represents more than legal guarantees against trespassing or theft.

The 4th Amendment is a guarantee of security under the law.

It provides a Constitutional and legal means of "defense" against intrusion, physical or "psychic."

Modern history does not lack examples to reinforce correct interpretation of the Fourth Amendment.

The totalitarian state of East Germany bore the official designation of :

the "German Democratic Republic" (DDR),

while the embodiment of "Big Brother," the "Stasi" or State Security Police, had it's civilian component.

It has been estimated that one third of East German citizens had worked for or otherwise cooperated with the "Stasi" in reporting on fellow citizens.

Through coercion or conviction segments of the civilian population became adjuncts to a totalitarian government.

East Germany represented one of most notorious totalitarian states during the Cold War, under another name.

It would be absurd to suggest that the protective restrictions of the Fourth Amendment apply to law enforcement institutions only. Fundamental rights are the cornerstone of the U.S. Constitution, not to be contravened by civilian adjuncts to whatever or whomever the Founding Fathers sought to protect us from.

It is little wonder that the occult empire has been referred to as the "empire of evil." The "psychic warrior" begins by knocking down the walls to his or her own mind, and allows the enemy to enter within. Psychic powers are not the product of natural occurring forces in the universe, but the product of the intervention of supernatural entities "permeating the brain-mind" of the individual. It is an understatement if not also a disingenuous statement for the authors of The Warrior's Edge, who claim that psychic phenomena fit a "quantum-mechanical" model of reality, to state regarding "telepathy" and "psychokinesis" that "No one knows which, if any, of these models is the correct one." The authors of The Mind Race, which promotes and teaches the acquisition and use of psychic powers, recommends the acquisition of powers which it itself effectively debunks as fitting a model of naturally occurring laws or forces, as this chapter documents.

-- Illuminism Under Another Name --


When "trained by scientific method" the "techno-shaman" becomes the "shaman." The "models of reality" become models of false theory.

Consider carefully the implications of the information which The Mind Race presents which debunks the Russian theory that psychic impressions are based on the transference of information by electro-magnetic brain waves through space. Then compare or consider how the book appears to disingenuously represent the fundamental process which is at work in psychic phenomena. The authors themselves, it will be seen, leave a clue as to the real source.

A principal so-called "technology" described in The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race by which a person's home can be psychically intruded is that of "remote vision" or psychic "vision." Former high-ranking Mason William Schnoebelen corroborated the reference to the flooding of the mind by the "illumination" process spoken of by 33rd degree Mason W.L. Wilmshurst who spoke of the "material brain-mind being thoroughly permeated."

Illumination: through drugs and occult techniques of the Seers, the so-called Third Eye would be opened, not just partially (as in psychics) but completely. This "eye,"also called the Ajna chakra, is felt to be the point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness. ...
To "open" the eye a little bit is to experience psychic powers. To open the eye completely is to have your brain flooded with the "pure" consciousness of Lucifer himself. This is why one of the Masonic symbols is the "All-Seeing Eye." It is a symbol of Illumination.
... You begin to think his thoughts and see with his eyes.
p. 197 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991

The opening or establishment of the psychic eye by various degrees of "permeating the brain-mind" of an individual is associated with the "All-Seeing-Eye" of Lucifer. It is also known as the "All-Seeing-Eye" of the Egyptian god Horus, in Masonry. Spiritistic "illumination" of the mind or brain comprised the foundation of Adam Weishaupt's conspiracy to rule the world by an occult Hierarchy. The plan to eventually encompass corrupting everyone spiritistically has unfolded or progressed as Weishaupt described, that is, with the use of guises, methods of camouflage. Weishaupt enunciated the principle that the goals of illumination can achieve greatest success when represented as something else.

Illuminism in reality is less an Order than a principle, and a principle which can work better under cover of something else. Weishaupt himself had laid down the precept that the work of Illuminism could best be conducted "under other names and other occupations," and henceforth we shall always find it carried on by this skilful system of camouflage.
p. 236 Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta H. Webster, 1924

Psychic powers resulting from spiritistic "illumination" of the human brain, whereby developing a "co-consciousness"s with Lucifer or New Age discarnate entities is represented by the "so-called Third Eye," enables images to be impressed upon the human brain by supernatural spirit entities, and is often promoted "under other names and other occupations." One of the "Trojan Horses" through which illuminination is introduced to the public is by means of attempting to surround psychic powers with a "scientific" shell. The "shell," however, has been dismantled, scientifically.

-- Indicted by Scientific Method --


The "psychic warrior's" "arsenal" referred to by The Warrior's Edge includes what is called "remote viewing," or psychic vision.

In the arsenal of the warrior, who must remain alert to all threats and diligently gather as much information as possible, remote viewing is an incomparable weapon.
p. 155 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The authors, however, are not simply speaking of military warriors in their book, but of psychic warriors who practice in civilian life. The quotation immediately follows a discussion of "applications of remote viewing to industrial espionage" and where the authors speak of "ethical issues of remote viewing" being "settled on an ad-hoc basis by practitioners ..." The authors teach remote viewing techniques to the public. Chilling.

Remote viewing is the technical term for a specific psychic information-gathering process. Remote viewing is the ability of an individual to mentally acquire information about objects or events at a distance-whether those objects or events exist in the past, present, or future.
Sometimes a remote viewer gathers his information by contacting an observer at the designated site during the chosen interval. In other cases, the remote viewer gathers information without contacting an observer at the target location.
p. 136 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

That description by itself should imply the involvement of spirit entities which can impress not only thoughts upon the brain, but also influence individuals and influence some future events. Persons who are involved in occult, spiritistic practices are particularly vulnerable to such influence, as this book goes on to show. Many seek out such influence and guidance, whether by astrological horoscopes or by direct communication by spirit guides. Yet, even with behavior and event shaping capability, the Luciferian entities do not control everyone. Neither do Luciferian entities or "guides" always relate matters truthfully. These are no doubt among contributing factors in having "the most experienced psychics occasionally bomb out."

In reality, however, the most experienced psychics occasionally bomb out, as surely as they are also often superbly accurate in their psychic impressions.
p. 227 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

The authors of The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race themselves present experimental evidence disproving that electro-magnetic brain waves account for the information gathering process. They, themselves, effectively dismantle the tactic that a "change in words" can take the spiritualism out of psychic practices. Basically two sets of experiments have been performed, each debunking the theory that electromagnetic waves can be attributed as providing the means of information acquisition for psychic phenomena. The first, distance experiments; the second, deep sea experiments.

The Soviets had published several papers which proposed that psychic information was carried by extremely low-frequency (ELF) radio waves. Some Western researchers also hold this view. But if electromagnetic radiation is responsible for psychic functioning, we would expect to find some decrease in the accuracy of remote-viewing descriptions when viewers are thousands of miles away from target sites. We have not yet found, however, any such decrease in the accuracy of remote viewing over long distances.
p. 33 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

The second scenario, of deep sea "remote viewing," was conducted under American auspices.

Back in the U.S., Stephan Schwartz of the Moebius Group, in an experiment called Deep Quest, put remote viewers in submersible craft and asked them to view targets on land from a substantial underwater depth. That the viewers were successful, even though they were in a chamber shielded by water, suggests that the process at work is not electromagnetic in origin. Schwartz proceeded to try psychically-assisted archaeology projects. In triple-blind experiments, Schwartz attempted to pinpoint previously undiscovered sites, subsurface geology, and buried remains, Subsequent digs by the group discovered a buried city, though there was no way for the sensitives who'd worked on the project to have information about a target completely unexcavated previously.
p. 141 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The authors of The Warrior's Edge have themselves referred to the "scientific method" research which debunks their claim that, "When shorn of spiritualism and trained by scientific method, the shaman of the past becomes the techno-shaman of today ..."

As far as unspeculative science is concerned, psychic "vision" is not facilitated by electromagnetic waves. It reveals what psychic "phenomena" is not.

The authors of The Mind Race who are psychic proponents and who advise persons to follow psychic "urges" while driving, present information which debunks the electromagnetic wave theory. In the submersible vehicle "remote vision" experiments the electromagnetic wave theory is disproved.

Seawater is known to be an excellent shield for both ELF and higher-frequency signals, which explains why governments are trying to develop other ways to communicate with their submerged submarines. ...
{the authors quote Stephen Schwartz, then Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations, who has written "to the authors ..."}
" ... the Navy had amassed considerable knowledge about seawater's shielding effect of ELF and, more importantly, on exactly how much data could be transmitted in a given amount of time. This research demonstrated that while ELF could penetrate seawater far deeper than any other form of radio wave, it took enormous power and, because of the very low frequency, only a very few bits of information could be transmitted in any reasonable time period."
p. 48 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

ELF, extremely low frequency, waves did not offer the solution to the "remote vision" experiments in which psychic performance was not affected by the typical shielding effects which seawater has on electromagnetic waves or transmissions.

 The results of these two successful ARV {associative remote viewing} sessions in the submarine, eachwith a probability of one in six, lead us to the conclusion that deep seawater, which diminishes evenELF radio waves a hundredfold, does not diminish psychic functioning. This offers furtherevidence that psychic information is not transmitted by ELF waves.  This offers furtherevidence that psychic information is not transmitted by ELF waves. This offers further evidence that psychic information is not transmitted by ELF waves. The hundredfold decrease in radio transmission is calculated for radio waves of 10 cycles per second (which corresponds to brain-wave frequencies), among the lowest of the ELF waves that theorists have considered. Ordinary radio waves, at much higher frequencies, are blocked even more than ELF signals by seawater.
These research results indicate that remote viewing is not adversely affected by distance, electromagnetic shielding --- or seasickness.
p. 50 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Considering that the authors of both The Mind Race and The Warrior's Edge promote powers for which they themselves have presented evidence that the powers are not explained in terms of electromagnetic waves, the claims to take spiritualism out of psychic phenomena can be recognized to potentially mask serious dangers, the dangers of spiritualism. The dangers of demon possession, insanity, and of manipulation by evil forces are not to be minimized. Spiritual corruption and falling prey to deceptions and falsehoods are real dangers, as is jeopardizing one's relationship with God.

"There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. ."
Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12. KJV.

Divination of events including future events is prohibited by God. Spiritualism, which is spirit mediumship, continues to account for psychic powers, even though efforts have been made to re-package spirit medium powers. Seeking guidance in one's life from sources which God's Word identifies as inimical to mankind's best interests has been evident in practices which include astrological horoscopes. Such practices represent ways in which person's decisions can be affected or manipulated. More sinister methods of manipulation, psychic manipulation of the human brain, will be examined in the following chapter.

The alleged ability to see future events which may be determined or affected by the actions of people should immediately raise the issue that the "process" of "remote vision" into the "future" may involve the influence or manipulation of humans by discarnate entities. Of course, visually depicting the outcome of a planned building structure (even where outside influence or impression is not a factor in the design process) is something which even many artists could provide using architectural plans. The ability of Luciferian spirit entities to anticipate or predict some events and influence others does not make them infallible by any means, and they have not been proved to be infallible, whereas it is attested to that "the most experienced psychics occasionally bomb out."

Remote vision of the future essentially represents the manipulation of the human brain by spirit entities, who might or might not influence some events in the future. Remote viewing of the "future" as such which might be suggested in The Warrior's Edge is not supported by scientific explanations or "models."

It is this apparent ability of the human remote viewer to gather information from sites removed not only in space but in time that interests physicists. Because these results are qualitatively repeatable, they can be studied scientifically. To date, no attempt to model the physics of such data transfer has been wholly successful. Nevertheless, it appears that data is successfully being transferred from on-site observers to remote viewers.
p. 141 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

From a standpoint of physics, the authors of The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race themselves debunk the "electromagnetic model." What is effectively debunked is the assertion that spiritualism can be taken out of understanding psychic phenomena.

The "distance" and submerged "seawater" experiments proved that physical barriers do not limit the acquisition of psychically derived information, concurrently proving that the electro-magnetic wave model of psychic functioning does not fit. Yet, to those for whom the source of psychic powers is not an issue, the net result of the experimentation could be enticing to some, although dangerously so. Richard Kyle made a very astute observation pertaining to the subject of psychic research.

This is not helped by the fact that many parapsychologists in the 1960s were occultists who came out of the closet and turned to "drugs, astral projection, reincarnation, and Eastern forms of meditation --- all in the name of tracking psi phenomena."{footnote} Furthermore, as Robert Wuthnow demonstrates, followers of the new and quasi-religious movements of the 1960s and 1970s have a higher tendency to be involved in ESP than members of conventional religion
p. 281 The Religious Fringe: A History of Alternative Religions in America, Richard Kyle, 1993

If, indeed, occultists and spirit mediums in touch with spirit "guides" have been doing much of the presiding over psychic "research," the potential for manipulation of the psychic "researchers" by "spirit guides," or the potential for manipulation of the public by psychic "researchers," certainly exists. That distance or that physical electro-magnetic wave barriers do not impede psychic performance or functioning is something which independent observers could confirm. Yet, what possibilities are there for contrivance by the spirit guides who facilitate psychic powers? It is interesting that the standard for "integrity" espoused and advocated by the authors of The Warrior's Edge is defined in terms of "duplicity" and "ruthlessness" in that duplicity is demonstrated by the Devil whom the Bible describes as transforming himself into an angel of light. What potentials exist for contrivance on the part of spirit guides which facilitate psychic powers or on the part of participants of psychic "research" ? The question needs to be asked, particularly when it comes to experiments which involve "temporal distortion," or time discrepancies or differences.

The Mind Race (pps. 56-58) relates an experiment in which a "remote viewer" described an unpredesignated scene at which an on-site observer team would arrive at a specific time, about a half an hour after leaving on their drive. The driving team followed what was described as a "random" drive without settling upon a determined location, but the words of the authors which elsewhere in their book recommend to "just drive" and to follow "intuition" suspiciously places their experiment in the shadow of unseen influence, whereby the driving "on-site" observers ended up at the location "foreseen" by the monitored psychic remote viewer at the time designated. What might be presented as a trip into the future by the remote observer could very well be characterized as an experiment in which the unseen spirit "guides" which facilitate psychic powers influenced the "random" driving team. The authors themselves raise the issue of psychic manipulation.

Learning to discriminate our own psychic impressions from externally induced suggestions by others may also ultimately protect us from the possibility of remote psychic manipulation.
p. 9 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Psychic influence and manipulation comprise a significant part of the psychic arts which The Mind Race considers. Even without telepathic communication between any of the players in the foregoing experiment, the capacity to be psychically influenced by psychically "induced suggestions by others" or to be psychically maneuvered by spirit guides who have their own agenda of deception even without the participation of contriving humans, is considerable.

The Mind Race (pps. 58, 59) also relates another remote vision experiment in which a random number generator was used to select a target location to be visited a half hour later by an "outbound experimenter." The random number generator was used to make the "target" selection after the remote viewer described the target location. The apparent successful description of target locations and of some of the activity of participating human experimenters at the target location under what appear to be scientifically controlled conditions might be construed by some to mean that the remote-viewer actually took a visual trip into the future. Not so fast. It is not only humans who can be influenced and manipulated psychically, but physical objects are also subject to psychic power influence. One pages 67, 68, The Mind Race considers the possibility that the remote viewer psychokinetically controls the random-number generator which selects the target in such "precognition" experiments, but discounts the idea with the argument that PK control of random-number generators has not been demonstrated to statistically match the performance of remote vision experiments which use random-number generators. Yet, "psychic" or psychotronic influence of random-number or random-event generators is "quantifiable."

Micro-PK, in contrast, occurs in ways that require scientific instrumentation to detect. You cannot see micro-PK events occur, but you can see the results, such as changes in a random-event generator (REG), when displayed on a statistical basis.
At the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory, Dr. Robert John, Brenda Dunne, and others are using various instruments, including cascade and random-event generators, to show that micro-PK effects are quantifiable.
p. 199 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

That the effects of psychotronic or psychic influence upon random-event generators are quantifiable underscores the capacity of spirit "guides" to guide or manipulate the outcome of psychic research over which the spirit entities of spiritualism preside.

The authors of The Warrior's Edge themselves state that "No electro-magnetic model of this process {of precognitive remote viewing} advanced so far allows for temporal distortion."

Soviet work on remote viewing has attempted to explain the phenomenon as transmissions, by the human brain, of extreme low frequency (ELF) waves. Much Soviet work on remote perception is based on electromagnetic models.
After Russell Targ visited the Soviet Union at the invitation of the Soviet Academy of Science, he reported that some Soviet scientists had also found their subjects able to report information about a site before the site was chosen -- precognitively "guess" the site to be chosen and describe it. The Soviet ELF model requires the target to be concurrently viewed by the remote viewer for real-time-data transfer to occur. No electro-magnetic model of this process advanced so far allows for temporal distortion.
p. 141 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

"No electro-magnetic model of this process advanced so far allows for temporal distortion." To what, then, are apparent temporal (time) distortions attributable ?

The "ELF," or extremely low frequency, experiments may have served the purpose of psychic proponents in the spirit and physical realms in demonstrating that physical barriers do not limit the intrusion of psychic powers, but at the same time it was proved that electro-magnetic brain waves are not the facilitating means of psychic power. The efforts to "change the language" in repackaging spiritualism as "science" has failed. What would the New-Age/spiritualist Luciferian spirits stand to gain in deceiving persons into believing that the future could be visited by means of "psychic" powers ? The answers are obvious.

1- If humans can be convinced that psychic excursions into the future are correct, persons could base critical decisions based on false representations of the future, inspired by demons. A major means of maneuvering persons with false predictions is thus provided.

2- Persons could also be tempted to resort to a variety of forms of divination, including astrological horoscopes, to make decisions, and thereby come under greater influence by Luciferian forces in their decision making processes.

Lucifer is the great con artist. The idea is to secure a person's confidence and then later to spring the trap of a great and decisive deception. Psychic information is not only often unreliable, but can lead a person to deceptions even where a track record of reliability is determined.

{remote viewing}

Sometimes, individuals who are frequently correct have periods when they miss the target completely. At times, subjects may be just as confident about the accuracy of information that turns out to be incorrect -- or not verifiable -- as they are about information that proves to be valid.
p. 149 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The pattern of accuracy and falsehood might well be described using the words of Manly P. Hall, whereby the pattern provides "a microcosm of the whole design" in Lucifer's composite scheme of things. [Orders of the Great Work: Alchemy, p. 8].

-- The Devil in the Details --


The term "rituals" used in connection with developing psychic powers is appropriate.

Her current research at the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, is concerned with various aspects of psychic healing and with rituals that may be used to elicit psi, both in the laboratory and in the field.
p. 43 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

"Rituals" comprises a fitting expression for processes in which supernatural entities are elicited. Psychic powers have not in reality been shorn of spiritualism. Richard Kyle presents a concise link between the occult and psychic research worth repeating at this point..

This is not helped by the fact that many parapsychologists in the 1960s were occultists who came out of the closet and turned to "drugs, astral projection, reincarnation, and Eastern forms of meditation --- all in the name of tracking psi phenomena."{footnote} Furthermore, as Robert Wuthnow demonstrates, followers of the new and quasi-religious movements of the 1960s and 1970s have a higher tendency to be involved in ESP than members of conventional religion
p. 281 The Religious Fringe: A History of Alternative Religions in America, Richard Kyle, 1993
{footnote: Moore, In Search of White Crows, pp. 221-22}

While attempting to change the terminology pertaining to the source of psychic powers, the military officers authoring The Warrior's Edge relate how the U.S. Pentagon has continued the psychic tradition. It is, however, an occult tradition.

Traditionally, any source is a good source as long as it provides reliable information about the enemy. ...
Throughout recorded history, leaders have attempted to use psychics to predict the behavior of warlike enemies. Court astrologers arose with Babylon. The ancient Greeks used a series of female oracles who spoke from cites such as Delphi.
That tradition continues today. According to U.S. News and World Report, "As far as back as 1981, intelligence agents from the Pentagon relied on psychics, first to help determine the
p. 135
whereabouts of a kidnapped U.S. general, and later to locate the Beirut headquarters of an Iran-backed Hezbollah organization, believed to be the keepers of the U.S. hostages."
p. 136 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

It was long suspected that the CIA was victim to high level "mole" operating within the United States. A high level double-agent, Aldrich Ames, was eventually discovered operating out of the CIA headquarters and sent to prison. Yet, the very facilitating forces invoked by U.S. Intelligence in psychic programs had been working simultaneously for the Soviet Union in facilitating their "psychic warfare" programs. United States Intelligence services have thus made America more vulnerable to manipulation and influence by psychic forces and more susceptible to subversion by psychic practices.

The issues concern not only the subversion of America's society and government. Other nations are also at risk.

U.S. Intelligence has not publicly identified the enemy within the "Trojan Horse" of psychic "phenomena." The viewpoint that "any source is a good source" has no doubt contributed to the effort to take spiritualism and the devil out of the details and in providing a "change in words." It comes as no surprise that the military officers authoring the book The Warrior's Edge attempt to disassociate the Devil from psychic phenomena, even as they themselves specifically refer to it in promoting a "change in words."

Because this is a book about ... "psychic" phenomena, we will present a new perspective, showing how psychic phenomena fit into a quantum-mechanical model of reality. {They themselves have overturned this notion.} ... If an individual realizes that these phenomena are not ... the work of the devil, ... the results of this training can be a greater confidence... and dominion over a wide range of ... experience.
p. 10 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

One issue in "changing the words" is of gaining public acceptance for employing occult means. Conscientious people rightly troubled could regard the Devil as, at best, a "double-agent" "in-house," who has also been working for Constitutional enemies abroad and at home. The Illuminist, secret society objective of literally having discarnate "demons" gain access to and obtain significant influence over human minds by means the "point of contact with Lucifer-consciousness" or the opening of the "psychic eye," is also more easily achieved by "changing the words" while promoting psychic, occult practices.

The very recommendation to follow the "urge to drive in a particular direction" to "follow that urge" and the advice "do not think about it or analyze it ... Just drive" should give the reader a clue that there are inherent dangers associated with the procedures which The Mind Race recommends.

-- Remote Vision and the OBE Link --


The impression of thoughts by "New Age' discarnate Luciferian entities upon the brain and psychic "eye" can escalate from "remote vision" to what is called "out of body experiences," or OBE.

In an out-of-body experience ... It is more intense than a remote-viewing experience ...
We believe that remote viewing and the OBE lie on a continuum of psi experiences.
When you have practiced entering a deeply relaxed state and are able to do so fairly easily, it is time to practice the next part of this OBE exercise.
p. 223 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Deep relaxation exercises are part of the psychic training techniques employed for OBE in The Mind Race and in remote vision in The Warrior's Edge.

Several established methods, or protocols, exist for remote viewing.
Sit down. Quiet your mind. ... Allow your body and mind to totally relax. Don't try to attract the information, just allow it to enter your mind. ... Again, don't strain; don't analyze: allow the information to come to you.
p. 142 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

At this point it is specifically important to mention that it can be strongly argued that it is essential that persons be specifically warned of such techniques, whether in reference to courses which teach "remote viewing" or to other "intuitive" psychic information gathering or guidance means. At work or in school, even in growing numbers of churches, psychic methods are becoming more common and are taught "under another name" or presented by "changing the words."  In view of the proliferation of occult practices, often under a diversionary guises, it is important to be able to immediately recognize such techniques to be in a much stronger position to prevent occult practices from being foisted one oneself in the workplace or upon one's children in school.

Quieting the mind of thoughts, emptying the mind of thoughts while opening the mind to receptivity to "psychic" impressions is, as has already been discussed in the previous chapter, extremely dangerous. After deep relaxation exercises (which elicit an altered state of consciousness) have been practiced, the authors of The Mind Race speak of entering the state "fairly easily" and The Warrior's Edge authors speak of instantly accessing the state after practice.

When you have practiced entering a deeply relaxed state and are able to do so fairly easily, it is time to practice the next part of this OBE exercise.
p. 223 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984
Our second mental exercise ... useful in emptying the mind.
p. 34


The purpose ... to free the mind of all thoughts via detachment, rather than to analyze complex and abstract concepts.
... it is of great benefit when creating deeper states of relaxation within yourself. These states, once mastered, can also be instantly accessed with sufficient training.
As you practice any of the described techniques, external thoughts may intrude. ... ...
p. 35 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The same "continuum of psi experiences" eventually leads to contact with "spirit guides," according to the body of testimony by former and current practitioners in psychic powers.

Deflecting the public's attention from the source of power of psychic "warriors" assists in "recruiting" persons into the New Age movement and potentially involves persons who otherwise would not pursue psychic powers if they knew that such practices would involve them with the "seething energies of Lucifer," and which would set them on a path of an opening psychic "eye" or point of co-consciousness with evil entities intent on eventually engaging a person in transformations.

Incidentally, OBE is also the abbreviation of Outcome Based Education, whose focus is often on meeting philosophical standards, using code words such as "mainstream" to connote acceptance of the homosexual life style. The trend in the public school system in America over the last several years has been to incorporate yoga and other mystical practices in the name of science. The potential threat of incorporating New Age practices such as Out of Body Experience training in the classroom with Outcome Based Education criteria, wherein passing from one grade to the next hinges upon a students acceptance of philosophical or so-called "mainstream" trends, should be taken seriously by Christians and non-Christians. The trend was addressed by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon.

Yet Eastern mysticism and even various forms of witchcraft are regularly being taught and applied in public schools across America with government support. That growing trend will be addressed in more detail later.
p. 44 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

The Masonic/Illuminati agenda is manifesting itself ever more boldly in public education.

-- The Genie becomes the Master --


"Changing the words" to portray spiritualism and associated spirit guide facilitated psychic powers as something other than spiritualism, "under another name," includes not only the term "techo-shaman," but also words which have applications in other contexts or other definitions but which are adapted to the field of the occult or psychic phenomena whereby the reader associates the term not with the supernatural but with another context. "Intuition" is one such example. There are others, such as the "inner self" or the "inner voice." Spirit guides are sometimes introduced as the "inner voice" or the "inner self," starting the process of spiritistic involvement by taking advantage of words having meanings associated with "conscience" or a reservoir of one's own life experience. The spirit guides are introduced or introduce themselves, as animals, as is common in traditional shamanism, or as humans who have died, or as angels, as "aliens," as other entities, or as humanoid representations of "natural forces."

The activity of such spirit guides impressing the "brain-mind" of the participant with thoughts, visual images, sounds or other sensations has several identifiable objectives. As the "psychic eye" opens more fully, the "point of contact with Lucifer consciousness" becomes more intense, and it is a path by which the "brain-mind" becomes "permeated" or "illuminated" by the discarnate spirit. "Incarnation on the physical plane" by discarnate spirits is one identifiable objective. Another pertains to the "transformation" of the character and personality of a human being such that even when a discarnate spirit is not actively "driving" human brain cells, the individual has been subjected to a process of transformation and molding to fit into the occult "plan." Thus, individuals who view psychic phenomena or spirit guides as a means to achieve personal ends often end up finding that the "genie in the bottle" bearing gifts in time becomes the master. The relationship serves the ultimate goals of the spirit guides.

The "inner voice" which psychic practitioner Dr. Lawrence describes is not that of the faculty of conscience but of spirit guidance obtained through practicing psychic powers. The relationship described demonstrates the process of how the psychic practitioner becomes the servant of the "genie."

After all, you have received this {psychic} information for a purpose and it might be very helpful ... . If you do not listen to the inner self when it speaks, as they say, you will start to lose contact with that inner voice.
p. 124 Unlock Your Psychic Powers: Mastering One's Psychic Potential,
Dr. Richard Lawrence, 1993, (by a "leading psychic practitioner")

"Evolution" to "godhood" in American spiritualism doctrine is common also to Masonry and witchcraft. Former 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, Wiccan witch and Spiritualist minister, William Schnoebelen, revealed the identity of the servant.

I learned that Lucifer was the true power behind Wicca, and that as a High Priest, I would have to do his bidding if I wanted to continue to evolve.
p. 38 Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, William Schnoebelen, 1990

Although appearing "under another name," the entities which can assume responsibility for Uri Geller's psychic powers are identified as providing the psychic "power through him for their own purposes." Retracting or withdrawing such psychic power represents a corollary aspect in providing psychic power ... "for their own purposes."

"for their own purposes ..."


Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon, in a book first published under the title of America: the sorcerer's new apprentice, compared the dependency of Uri Geller to his psychic power imparting "entities," with those of traditional shamans to their "spirit guides."

While Stanford Research Institute (now called SRI) was preparing to put him through tests of his psychic powers for a documentary film, Uri Geller complained that most parapsychologists misunderstood the true source of this mysterious force. "They keep talking about my mind," he said. Uri then explained that in his opinion psychic power didn't emanate from his mind at all but from other minds---entities from another planet who were telepathically channeling the power through him for their own purposes, and that he had to obey.
"I have no choice, Uri told ex-astronaut Edgar Mitchell and several SRI scientists, "because they direct me. I can't go against [them]."
p. 196


This is classical sorcery (or shamanism), in which the reliance upon nonphysical entities has always been the cornerstone. Anthropologist Michael Harner reminds us:
To perform his work, the shaman depends on special, personal power, which is usually supplied by his guardian and helping spirits.
Each shaman generally has at least one guardian spirit in his service . . . [and] without a guardian spirit it is virtually impossible to be a shaman . . . .
p. 197 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon,1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]
[Michael Harner, The Way of the Shaman: The Guide to Power and Healing
(Harper & Row, 1980), pp. 42-43.]

The prerogatives exercised by Uri Geller's masters is also evident in traditional shamanism. The "master" is, again, clearly identified.

When first embarking upon his career, a shaman has to acquire a guardian spirit or animal.
p. 47


Even though a guardian spirit works with a shaman or any person, it does not always stay in the immediate vicinity. It moves around freely, coming and going as it wishes, entering and leaving the body according to its own will. During the shamanic journey, the power animal or spirit will generally meet the shaman somewhere inside the tunnel or just as he exits into the Lowerworld.
p. 48 The Ancient & Shining Ones: World Myth, Magic & Religion, D.J. Conway, 1993

Who owns whom, and the prerogatives exercised by spirit "guides" "entering and leaving the body according to its own will" was dramatically corroborated by William Schnoebelen with an Out-Of-Body experience which demonstrated that the "genie" is the real master of those who pursue the occult.

However, this particular occasion was quite different. I was summarily YANKED out of my body without my having any say in the matter.
p. 153 Lucifer Dethroned: A true story, William and Sharon Schnoebelen, 1993

Thirty Third degree Mason, C. W. Leadbeater in The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, describes the relationship of the psychic powers in Masonry to the discarnate spirits {presided over by Masonry's Lucifer}. Again, the emphasis is upon serving the purpose of the Masonic Masters, the discarnate Luciferian spirits.

Since the Great Ones have entrusted us with powers so portentous it behoves us to try to understand them fully, to study their working, so that we may learn how to use them to the best advantage, how to do with them what our Masters intend us to do.
We must consider heedfully the relation with the Angelic kingdom into which these higher Degrees bring us, for it is a matter of the utmost importance. ...
p. 307 The Hidden Life In Freemasonry, C.W. Leadbeater

Thus, persons who embark upon a quest for psychic power or who are "recruited" into the world of spiritualism or shamanism might begin their experiences with the belief that their own goals are the center of focus, only to learn later that the "genie" is the master and not the servant. The "disciples" are instructed that the path to "godhood" {path to becoming "one" with Lucifer} is for mankind's benefit. It is referred to as spiritual "evolution." Watch Out !

-- Psychic Warriors --


As the psychic "warrior" "arsenal" is examined more extensively, it is important to keep in mind the Luciferian ultimate objective of establishing an overt and occult political and religious Hierarchy in America and internationally. The New Age spirit guide, Lord Maitreya, who spoke of "My Warriors , ... My Army" has an aggressive agenda of conquest. It is a Luciferian New Age which the occult conspiracy is working to fulfill. The Masonic "warrior on the block" who applies "the seething energies of Lucifer" is more than just the philosopher on the block.

The effects of Masonry's masters (who are "unseen and unrecognized" by nominal Masons or those otherwise outside of the occult conspiracy) upon the membership was emphasized by Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree,

He {the Mason} ... must cease to consider Freemasonry solely as a social order only a few centuries old. He must realize that the ancient mystic teachings as perpetuated in the modern rites are sacred, and that
powers unseen and unrecognized mold the destiny
of those who consciously and of their own free will take upon themselves the obligations of the Fraternity.
p. 11 The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall., 1923, 1976.
{sentence structure staggered for emphasis by this author}

The impending triggered transformation of those who take up the "obligations of Freemasonry" is alluded to by Schnoebelen in terms which are clarified in the following chapter. Keep in mind that particularly in persons wherein Lucifer has established his "point of contact" with human consciousness with the opening of the "psychic eye," the "impressibility" of the human brain by entities which have been allowed access is a predominant issue.

Through their "raising," what we have called
p. 262
the Masonic baptism), they have been engrafted into Lucifer. The strains of Masonry have been imbedded deep in their psyches. It may lie there dormant for decades in 99% of the Masons, like a computer virus waiting to be activated. But when this false christ wishes, it will be suddenly energized.
... They do not realize it, but ticking deep within them is a satanic timepiece with an evil agenda.
When this false messiah appears, he will punch a psychic button and Masons will rush to obey! From the pinnacle of the Masonic pyramid, currents of malignant power will pour down through the ranks and every Mason will feel the perfidious purposes of "Lord" Maitreya quickened within him.
If this sounds preposterous, then consider how, in many churches, Satan has already called in his favors. I have spoken in churches where the pastor was brought down by Masons because he dared to stand for Biblical truth!
I have been in churches where Masonic members loved Masonry more than Jesus, where they disobeyed their pastors to follow their Worshipful Master.
p. 263 Masonry: Beyond The Light, William Schnoebelen, 1991
What is meant by the "New Age" discarnate spirit Lord Maitreya, channelled through Benjamin Creme, when it spoke of "My Warriors , ... My Army" ? What is meant by the declaration that "My Army is now on the move and soon the clash of battle will be heard" ?

p. 168 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988
{footnote: Benjamin Creme, Messages from Maitreya, pp. 42, 87}

A New Age spirit guide named Alder alluded to the occult plan for "world initiation" which persons are being pressured into.

Alder also makes the astonishing disclosure that Saturn, the New Age code name for their false "Christ," is none other than Satan!
"The Saturnian spirit, "Satan," let us not forget, ensouls the Third great major or Primary Ray of Deity and wields the great Laws of cause and effect, action and reaction---Karma!
Therefore, the world Initiation to which we are drawing near today is being brought to birth by a universal access of Pain and of pressure, to which humanity is responding with widespread action, leading, naturally, to . . . Initiation."
p. 69 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988
{quotation taken from Vera Alder, The Initiation of the World (York Beach, Me.:"Samuel Weiser, Incl, 1972), p. 109.}

The "pressure," whether on the job, in the school, or through the agency of psychic "warriors," brought to bear upon persons to actively join the pursuit of psychic powers "to enhance all human performance" represents a plan for "world initiation" into Satan's New Age, into Lucifer's "seething energies."

Luciferic initiation, establishing the "point of contact between humans and Lucifer-consciousness" is evidently the primary goal of Lucifer or Satan.

"Pressure ... leading ... to initiation" is being exerted by American corporations.

California Business magazine reports that more than half of the 500 presidents and company owners it surveyed have involved their employees in New Age training seminars that make use of various "consciousness-raising" techniques taught in programs similar to Erhard's est (now called the Forum).
There is perhaps no class of persons more vulnerable to this worldwide "Aquarian Conspiracy" than employees who are required by their employers to take New Age courses.
p. 39


In spite of the warnings from numerous experts concerning the very real dangers that are involved in such techniques, there is an expanding list of employees (including those in management) who have been fired for refusing to participate in New Age programs.
p. 40 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon, 1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

The subversion of the human will and identity is at the heart of the New Age agenda.

There are, according to Richard L. Watring, additional dangers inherent in the mind-control techniques at the heart of the New Age training programs. Watring, who is personnel director of Budget Rent-a-Car Corporation in Chicago, asserts that techniques are deliberately being introduced into employee training programs which "induce a trance-like state." He is concerned not only about the behavior modification similar to brainwashing which can result, but also about the many reports from participants who are convinced that they have come under harmful influence from "spirit entities" as a result of these trance states.
Watring felt compelled to investigate after observing (with considerable surprise and alarm) the eagerness with which ordinarily cautious business leaders were buying into mysticism mislabeled as motivational psychology.
p. 42 The New Spirituality: A Consumer's Guide to the Exploding Mystical Marketplace,
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon, 1988, [America: the sorcerer's new apprentice]

The subversion of the American people's best interests by corporations in the political arena has now been followed by the subversion of human rights on an unparalleled scale and depth in the workplace.

The "consciousness" of mankind is a clear issue in the New Age movement. The clear overriding objective of replacing mankind's consciousness with that of the consciousness of Luciferian discarnate spirits is evident from the body of New Age teachings.

The violent intent to de-Christianize the masses on a scale which would dwarf the Reign of Terror of the Jacobins in France is abundantly clear.

John Randolph Price says that his own spirit guide, whose name is Asher, has warned that if these annual world events do not magically succeed in "healing," "purifying," and "cleansing" the world, a great calamity will befall mankind. There will be rage and violent action, Asher confides, and the people who reject the New Age "will experience the greatest emotion of fear and panic." The horrible end result of all the casualties: two and one-half billion men, women, and children will be killed.
p. 157


Asher: "The mass consciousness must be stopped, or shall we say changed,' otherwise the cataclysm will occur. . . ."
p. 158 Mystery Mark of The New Age: Satan's Design for World Domination, Texe Marrs,1988
{footnote: John Randolph Price, Practical Spirituality, pp. 15-21}
The New Age agenda includes methods to intimidate, to "pressure" human beings into "surrendering" their own bodies, their "minds," to Luciferian spirits for the so-called "great work" of incarnating "daemons" in human flesh.
The destruction of the human race is at the heart of the Masonic/New Age movement.
Chapter 10 includes more information on how prominent New Age spokespersons have advocated such "surrender."

The issue of mankind's "consciousness" is evident not only in New Age programs in places of work, but is also evident in the expressions of the spirit guide called "Asher," considering that the New Age means of replacing the "mass consciousness" of mankind is with Luciferic "initiation," Luciferic "illumination," "Lucifer-consciousness." The New Age solution to what is derisively referred to as "mass consciousness" is that of the "universal mind," a oneness of consciousness with Lucifer or Luciferian spirits for all mankind. Following the leadership of Lucifer is what brought sin, sickness and death to the human family. Sickness, corruption, death; all fruits of the philosophical bite of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Lucifer is the founding father of those things which are wrong and bad with the human family. Occult "redemption" itself represents a further degrading of humans by using sexual perversion such as sodomy as a means to spiritistic illumination, the "serpent bite." Is "mass consciousness" the problem ? If it is, where did those aspects of "mass consciousness" which are objectionable originate ? It should also be remembered that the Dark Ages of Europe took place under the auspices of a religious hierarchy which was corrupted. Apostasy from Christian teachings and practices was not the solution to mankind's ills, it was a terribly subversive problem. Along comes Lucifer in the New Age movement to rescue mankind from oppression which he himself was responsible for as the Anti-Christ. Adam Weishaupt's modus operandi of corruption as a means of conquest exemplifies the tactics of Lucifer. Mankind's "consciousness" is, indeed, a paramount issue. Lucifer's design is to replace all of mankind's consciousness directly with his own and with that of his associated demon spirit entities, whether Asher, Alder, or other New Age spirit guides.

Furthermore, it is evident that human beings are being intimidated, threatened to surrender themselves, their bodies, their minds, to the spirit guides of Lucifer's New Age 'or else' "a great calamity will befall mankind." "A great calamity" ? Great calamities such as World Wars I and II were planned, under Lucifer's auspices, and enunciated in writing decades in advance by Lucifer's top agent, Mazzini, in 1871. WWI & WWII represent global conflicts which have been inspired and precipitated by spirit "guides" and secret societies. Mankind has been in a state of calamity since the philosophical contradiction of the "truth" was formulated by Lucifer in Eden to gain a following by the first human couple, to corrupt and ruin the work of mankind's Heavenly Father. And now Lucifer is threatening more great calamity ? Furthermore, he is threatening rage and violent action against those who refuse initiation into Luciferian New Age practices and Luciferian "transformation." The modus operandi of Luciferian spirits is to subject mankind to an array of means of "pain and pressure" to conform to his Luciferian agenda. World War III has been planned and put in writing by Mazzini as part of that agenda.

Will you be intimidated ?

Do you believe that Almighty God will subdue the forces of evil which are working to subvert and take over all mankind's consciousness ?

In fact, what the New Age spirit guides are leading their followers to are not simply world war as has already occurred twice in the twentieth century, but they are leading Luciferian Warriors to the War of Armageddon, in which God Almighty acts decisively against the Luciferian forces of evil. See Revelation 16:14. The Bible warns of the Antichrist's events, as it warned of the activity of the "Antichrist" following the death of Jesus' apostles, which activity is predicted to peak near the end of a wicked system of things.

Recruitment into the New Age "world" of psychic, spiritualistic, shamanistic powers is often carried out "under another name." Similarly, and "cleansing the earth of negativity" is an adroit euphemism. Those who oppose being taken over by or made "one" with Luciferian entities are apparently deemed in the New Age movement as "negative."

What other means are included among the New Age "warrior's" "arsenal" ? Lucifer's work is dirty work, and conscientious persons need to be warned.

-- "Dirty Work" Technology --


The following information about the scope of psychic power provides a background setting to the "mind race" (or who can get more "possessed" by the Devil before the other person).

When Manly P. Hall wrote about the "seething energies of Lucifer" and the Mason who applies such as a "warrior on the block," he not only provided supplemental information or descriptions to what Albert Pike had identified as the "force," or Lucifer's Prime Minister, but had established the concept of the psychic warrior in the context of his own body of writings. What "devices" are included in that "arsenal" ? Why do the devices not always work ? Should Christians feel that they cannot be affected by such "devices" ?



At the outset it should be mentioned that there are many means which evil, wicked persons use which do not necessarily involve psychic methods. Bodily or emotional harm has been inflicted unjustly and often by members of the human race upon one another since the rejection of mankind's heavenly Father by mankind's first human pair. Through the redeeming value of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the basis for resurrection to life is provided. Therefore the apostle Paul wrote that although the Devil is able to cause death, through the assurance of the ransom sacrifice and the resurrection to life through Jesus Christ, there is a strong incentive not to fear death. The focus of one's attention should be on a right relationship with mankind's Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. Strengthening oneself, one's family, and others who are receptive with spiritual food in God's Word, The Holy Bible, and getting equipped with true spiritual defenses mentioned in the Bible book of Ephesians chapter 6 is vital. Prayer to "Our Father which art in heaven" in the name of Jesus Christ and developing a close relationship based on truth is essential.

Matthew 6: 9 KJV

The purpose of this book is to help persons to become aware of the "wiles of the Devil" against which we are exhorted to stand against.

"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
Ephesians 6: 11. KJV
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Resist him, steadfast in the faith ... "
1 Peter 5: 8, 9. NJKV.

By esteeming things having real "spiritual" value we are encouraged to :

"... lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven ..."
Matthew 6: 20. KJV

Getting to know our Father in the heavens and gaining everlasting life as his children are good reasons to seek the truth in the Bible.

-- PK Madness --


Psychokinesis, or PK, is a term used referring to changes in physical objects resulting from "psychic" forces. Uri Geller, noted for a variety of psychic demonstrations, had made "psychically" bending physical objects, such as metal spoons, quite an attraction. Although Uri Geller has been accused of using parlor tricks at times, parlor tricks (or accusations thereof) by persons professing psychic powers has conveniently enabled governments to officially discount psychic phenomena in the public arena. Parlor tricks have taken the edge off of investigations by the public while at the same time allowing psychic powers to be skillfully and strategically promoted enabling the operation and expansion of spiritualist and occult groups behind the scenes. Parlor tricks have diverted the attention of much of the public such that occult secret societies and government intelligence agencies have been able to operate behind-the-scenes without being confronted by a swell of public recognition of, and opposition to, clandestine methods available to persons or groups with agendas.

During the 1960's an emerging counter-culture plunged into hallucinogenic drugs, Eastern Mysticism, the occult, and other "New Age" "Age of Aquarius" doctrines and practices. The 1980's experienced a stepped-up involvement by more of the general public with the New Age movement. The phenomena which Uri Geller had made famous in the 1970's had aroused a significant interest. Notwithstanding that Mr. Geller was directed by entities which he couldn't "go against," techno-disciples were being gathered.

Historically, macro-PK research has been done with a gifted subject, such as Uri Geller, demonstrating.
Jack Houck, an aerospace engineer, originated the protocols for the PK "party." Since 1981, these PK parties have allowed thousands of people to perform psychokinesis for themselves.
p. 202 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

There is nothing like an "aerospace engineer" to recruit "techno-shamans." "Thousands of people to perform psychokinesis" ? The authors leave no doubt as to the potential of these sessions in having an impact upon society.

John Alexander's photo (figure 5) of a hacksaw blade rolled up in a 360-degree circle using PK is remarkable because a hacksaw blade is so brittle that it will frequently snap if bent,
p. 206
even slightly, using physical force. In 1982, between September 15 and November 19, Houck and Dahlen brought hacksaw blades wrapped in a bag to three PK parties and left the bag under participants' chairs, never once targeting the blades. During these exposures to ambient PK only, the Rockwell hardness of the blades inside the bag lessened progressively. ...
If such softening force were to be applied over time to crucial aircraft components or other military objectives, the results could be catastrophic. ...
p. 207 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The entities to which Uri Geller credited the psychic powers and which he asserts directed him in his actions cannot be ignored as to their intent. Nations, groups and individuals are being sucked into a competitive arena of the occult, in which entities having enormous capacity to exert influence are being invited "in." Uri Geller spoke of being compelled to serve "their" interests.

The madness of the endeavor to acquire psychic powers is one in which it hardly bears the necessity of saying that "the results could be catastrophic." The proliferation of these methods is such that individuals need to be cautioned about the very techniques which are promoted in the civilian sector "under another name."

PK parties have trained hundreds of people, including many top military, intelligence, and elected government officials. John Marsh, former secretary of the army, has been briefed on the results of these PK parties.
The security implications of macro-PK, if it can be learned and controlled, are far-reaching. Militarily, weapons systems could be made not to function on schedule, or to malfunction when necessary.
p. 205 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

What's their plan ?

Is it : Why-not-let-everybody-in-on-it ?

People need to be: warned about an escalating occult agenda and it's dangers, warned adequately ahead of time, and need to be given the reasons not to participate.

There is nothing like recruiting persons in the Army into a "New Age Army" with "pk parties." How many of these persons referred to at America's top levels of government realized at the outset that the PK founding father, Uri Geller, was being directed by entities from whom the powers emanated ?

Ambient PK ? What's the idea, to increase America's "ambient PK" ? And whose going to check all of these "hundreds" of top military and government officials for "ambient PK" before they board a plane, when you get right down to it ? Who would even want to ride an elevator with someone who had "ambient PK" ?

The students are, no doubt, more interested in directing or focusing such "psychic" force as they see fit and, no doubt, less interested in having their own technological possessions damaged.

Macro-PK refers to events where visible deformation of gross metal objects occurs, or where an object of substance is moved without the application of normal physical means or force.
p. 199 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Macro-Pk, "where an object of substance is moved without the application of normal physical means." The studies or experiments conducted lend credibility to reports out of various corners of the earth such as out of South East Asia in cases where there evidently has not been an attempt made to "change the words."

In South East Asia ...
The old disciple of Mohammed introduced his eager pupil to the art of magic. Evidently the boy had a strongly psychic disposition, and he gained a great mastery of the art. By magical power, he could open closed doors and windows, put out a burning flame, or light one. During all these experiments, his teacher made it clear that every fully qualified
p. 333
Muslim priest must also learn and master the art of magic.
p. 334 Occult ABC, Kurt E. Koch, 1978, 1980, 1986

The authors of The Warrior's Edge, promoting the "arsenal" of the "psychic warrior," provide further corroboration of such reports inasmuch that they also teach how to extinguish a candle flame. [The Warrior's Edge, p. 196] The case in South East Asia illustrates further implications of "macro-pk" in the "arsenals" of New Age Warriors. It's good to know that psychic or magical attempts are not always successful.

The implications of micro PK in electronics can be even more far-reaching.

Micro-PK, in contrast, occurs in ways that require scientific instrumentation to detect. You cannot see micro-PK events occur, but you can see the results, such as changes in a random-event generator (REG), when displayed on a statistical basis.
At the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory, Dr. Robert John, Brenda Dunne, and others are using various instruments, including cascade and random-event generators, to show that micro-PK effects are quantifiable.
p. 199 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The roll of a pair of dice is a sort of random-event generator, and mechanically based randomly "cascading balls" are referred to on page 199 in their book. Elsewhere in the book the author's describe the use of dice in selecting a location for remote viewing. If the use of dice was decided upon to eliminate the possibility of outside influence upon a person's decision making process, The Warrior's Edge effectively provides the material to debunk that claim very handily.

What do the author's of The Warrior's Edge deduce as to the implications of "micro-PK" ?

Because PEAR research concentrates on reliable, human-generated micro-PK effects that can occur in engineering sys-
p. 199
tems such as computers, the significance of this research to government and industry is undeniable. Micro-PK effects can seemingly alter the performance of a bit of information in a complex system. If that system is a missile-guidance system or a computer network or a satellite telemetry package, then the results may be much greater than the micro-PK effect itself.
p. 200 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Uri Geller, pk founding father, did not say that the effects were "human-generated." The "gifted" "demonstrator" acknowledged and spoke of being compelled by powerful outside entities and attributed to their agency his psychic powers. It is obvious that those "entities" have been seeking to draw increasing numbers of individuals into psychic powers and into the vortex of escalation of occult/spiritualistic practices. It is disconcerting that "psychic warriors" are encouraged to "push the envelope."

If a target can be affected in this fashion--from a distance, without physical tampering--the military and security applications are of great importance. There are major implications if micro-PK can be controlled. When questioned on this matter at a conference, Dr. John stated that he thought the greatest danger lay in micro-electronics such as the subsystems found in high-performance aircraft. Dr. Robert Morris has published studies on the impact of micro-PK on computers.
John Alexander says, "It is certainly my view that the greatest threat in the application of micro-PK is to attack computers. The systems do not need to be incapacitated; they only need to be made unreliable."
p. 201 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

Perhaps one of the most profound statements by one of the authors of The Warrior's Edge advocating that civilians learn psychic techniques with the integrity of "ruthlessness and duplicity" is, remarkably,

"It is certainly my view that the greatest threat in the application of micro-PK is to attack computers."
Where do they get the expression PK party ?

Ironically, the protocols for the PK "party" are said to originate with "an aerospace engineer."

Ed Speakman, a government science adviser and inventor of the car antenna, was at a PK party attended by many government professionals and sitting three feet away from one of the participants when a fork "spontaneously" bent.
Enough of these spontaneous PK events have been observed to convince us that some process is at work here that, if harnessed, could impact national security.
p. 206 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The ultimate threat to national security is co-option by the evil entities which preside over the New Age psychic powers.

Not to labor on the point, but it would seem that "spontaneous PK events" "could impact national security" even if not harnessed. "Some process ... at work here" was identified by Uri Geller as outside entities. One would think that "enough of these spontaneous PK events have been observed to convince us that" mechanical and electrical switches in high security areas could be jeopardized some day by high level government personnel who couldn't stay away from PK "parties." "Spontaneous" is the "party"-goer's way of saying that they, themselves, were not in control. It should be apparent that such forces could constitute a clear danger in an aircraft cockpit or in a nuclear power plant. The "spontaneous" metal bending has demonstrated significant potential for harm to mechanical devices, and has demonstrated unpredictability of occurrence.

Manly P. Hall, psychic advocate, warned of experimentation.

"As far as the private citizen is concerned,
the esoteric arts are just as dangerous
as nuclear fission."
But some of the other more secret and mysterious arts were brought out of their ancient symbolisms and from the early sanctuaries of the Mysteries, Pandora's Box was opened, all types of psychic and magical phenomena came to be a little better known and a little better understood than was wise, ... The individual was in much the same condition that we were when we discovered nuclear fission and had in our hands the greatest power than man has ever materially possessed and practically no ethical structure to direct the use of it. This was a situation that was rather serious. As far as the private citizen is concerned, the esoteric arts are just as dangerous as nuclear fission. He can get himself into a private dilemma just as easily as the world can be forced into a dilemma by an atomic war. ....
Thus, systems and schools were set up for the exploration of these secret processes
p. 95 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,
Manly P. Hall, 1990
"It is like experimenting with poisonous serpents
or experimenting with some deadly material
that is liable to explode in your face at any moment."
... psychic phenomena ... I think you will realize why it is not good to dabble with this sort of thing. ... It is like experimenting with poisonous serpents or experimenting with some deadly material that is liable to explode in your face at any moment. Do not experiment. Do not play games with life,
p. 107 Invisible Records of Thought & Action:
A Practical Guide to Subtle Vibrations, Their Causes & Effects,
Manly P. Hall, 1990

What might appear as another undesirable situation is having a nation staffed by "Uri Gellers," who "must obey" their human rights violating invisible masters, at the controls. The "New Age" is no party. To use an appropriate phrase, "the results could be catastrophic." The forces which can clandestinely influence others against their will are not forces which a person could conscientiously invite into one's own mind.

The methods which "psychic warriors" might seek to put at their disposal have been enunciated and represent a terrible menace to society.

... the more sinister aspects of psi research. For example, Nikolai Kokolov, an ex-KGB agent, reported a case in which the spinal column of a human subject, in a laboratory in southern Russia, was fractured psychotronically from a distance. If this story is true, it represents a dramatic increase in psi capability, well above the demonstrated norm in the Western world.
p. 151 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The use of psychic forces against human beings cannot ingenuously be represented as a new development. The ambition in psychic "laboratories" has evidently been to seek to manipulate such forces without being associated with outside or discarnate entities. Uri Geller, thus, has provided a contradictory point of advocacy for the "party" public "PK" laboratory. Now that authors such as those of The Warrior's Edge and The Mind Race have been teaching persons of the public how they can open their own personal "Pandora's Box," it is essential that the ongoing menace of the occult conspiracy be put into context and that the public be warned of the "devices" with which "psychic warriors" have available to them to victimize individuals and groups in the public domain.

Worse still is the death magic which is directed against people. I have encountered such activities among the Shamans in Alaska and
on St. Lawrence Island, among the voodooists of Haiti, and the Macumba spiritists of Brazil. Death magic is also found in connection with Zombiism in Africa, with Muslim black magic all over East Asia, with the Saugumma cult in New Guinea, the Hilots in the Philippines, and the Kahunas of Hawaii.
p. 46 OCCULT ABC, Kurt E. Koch, 1978, 1980, 1986

Death magic does not always work, as has been publicly corroborated in Africa. But that it is known to work in instances demonstrates the menace of such terrible practices.

The Warrior's Edge reports about the use of a martial arts techniques of a "death touch" "that leads to the victim's death a few hours later. The fabled death touch does not kill instantaneously, nor is it administered using great physical force." The author's document the use of such a technique on two goats, one of which died twelve hours after the application, the other approximately twenty-four hours later, and both were autopsied. [p. 197, The Warrior's Edge].

One can compare what is known in the field with what The Warrior's Edge further reports, "The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency compiled a report on Soviet efforts ... The report suggests continuing research of the sort in which ... famed Soviet psychic, claimed to stop a frog's heart from beating." [p. 206, The Warrior's Edge].

When the authors speak on the one hand of official cover-ups, which to a great extent disables the public from taking legal, or legislative or protest actions, and on the other of the "arsenal" of the "psychic warrior" who operates in the public or civilian domain, it is chilling.

The effects of what is called "PK" force upon biological tissue can be potentially devastating. Effects upon the human brain should not be discounted by potential victims as the menace of the New Age movement becomes more imposing. More "sinister" than remote physical attacks are those techniques which attack the human brain or mind, subverting it, influencing it in ways which assault the human will, and which can be even more detrimental to the individual and collectively to a nation than strictly physical harm.

Consider the implications of the psychic technique or "arsenal" component which The Warrior's Edge authors describe as used by the same person who applied the "death touch" to the goats.

Savelli also teaches the ability to attack an opponent by interrupting his or her mental processes. He calls the technique "The Mind Stops." This is an advanced technique in which the mind of the opponent is blocked and he is unable to effectively strike you.
Savelli says this is the technique he would employ if faced
p. 195
with an attacker holding a gun. Others confirmed seeing a gun-wielding opponent remain still while Savelli maneuvered behind him. The attacker reported seeing nothing from the time Savelli was in front of him until Savelli struck the attacker from behind.
Similar stories appear in Soviet literature. Joseph Stalin, who had a known interest in psychic phenomena, had a famous psychic, Wolf Messing, brought in to demonstrate his reputed capabilities. Messing was invited by Stalin to try entering the heavily guarded Kremlin without being caught. Reportedly, Messing walked undetected by numerous guards, all of whom appeared conscious and alert. Messing claimed he could cloud people's minds, thereby becoming virtually invisible.
p. 196 The Warrior's Edge,
Colonel John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, Janet Morris, 1990

The reputation of Wolf Messing has evidently obtained corroboration of the ability to cloud or stop a person's mental processes, as demonstrated by Guy Savelli. The adept attributes "psychokineses as a primary energy source" for his practices. [The Warrior's Edge, p. 194] This component, of interrupting mind processes of another human being, in the psychic "arsenal" is considered in the context of various techniques which The Warrior's Edge teaches. Immediately after giving the Savelli and Messing cases the authors proceed to teach "developing exceptional mental control" capable to "extinguish a candle using only concentration." Of course, by concentration alone a human being cannot extinguish a candle flame. Thus the authors go on to put the practice into context "only after" [ibid., p. 196] learning their techniques, which open the mind to outside or discarnate entities. The menace of the New Age revolution in America and other countries cannot be underestimated. The ethical context in which psychic techniques are taught often uses nice sounding words such as "integrity," but "ruthlessness" and "duplicity" are not the kind of guidelines which give persons assurances that the "psychokinesis" revolution is not a part of an evil agenda. The recruitment of "New Age Warriors" by means of "agents" such as they-made-me-do-it Uri Geller points to an ulterior plan, a plan to usher in an occult new age, a plan which also threatens attacks against those who refuse to be initiated into occult powers.

From the people who recommend following an "urge to drive" without thinking, from the people who declare that "you own your own mind," the subversion of the human mind by another is apparently "exciting."

It was exciting to read Vasiliev's accounts of distant-influence experiments, in which he and his colleagues were able to telepathically put a person into hypnotic sleep and awaken him at a distance of hundreds of miles. To back up these findings, he cited earlier studies in mental suggestion and distant influence conducted by ....
p. 250 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

Putting a person to sleep or suspending conscious mental processes from a distance represents a terrible assault on the ownership of the human mind. It is also an assault which impacts the human body. Worse yet are what are characterized or described as a remote capability of hypnosis. The psychic "warrior" "arsenal" can be seen to embody an escalating array of human rights violating methods, which the noted Masonic scholar Manly P. Hall refers to as "just as dangerous as nuclear fission."

What interests us here is that as a result of Mesmer's work, physicians all over Eastern and Western Europe began to experiment with medical application of hypnosis. This research led directly to the discovery that not only could one person cause another to fall into a trance, but that this effect could also apparently be induced from a distance!
p. 74 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984
... I asked him whether he and his colleagues had conducted other tests, ... on actual telepathic hypnosis and awakening at a distance ...
and then nodded to me affirmatively.
p. 251 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

To bring such sinister methods in the psychic "arsenal" into perspective, it is extremely important to realize that what psychic advocates are advocating for defense against such sinister methods is primarily involvement in psychic techniques. Their solution to the problems which they themselves have been bringing into the public domain represents an escalating environment into the occult, and the deeper persons get into it, the more the "psychic eye" "opens," the stronger the "point of contact with Lucifer consciousness" becomes. The intimidation represented by an ever growing occult, psychic world organization, is not limited to conventional means. Knowing what their unconventional means are comprised of better enables a person to fight against personal subversions. Interfering remotely with the operation of another person's conscious mind constitutes a very serious human rights violation. The area of "telepathic hypnosis," as the next chapter shows, is not limited to inducing sleep remotely. The next chapter examines such sinister methods more extensively. The virtual explosion of New Age, psychic practices in America, as well as in other countries, demands a critical analysis.

Juxtaposed to practices such as advocated and taught in The Warrior's Edge or The Mind Race stands America's Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, a cornerstone of America's Bill of Rights.

Beware of any attempt to minimize the dangers of psychic practices even to the practitioner.

Contradicting the explicit warnings against experimentation with psychic powers such as expressed by Manly P. Hall, the authors of The Mind Race teach psychic power development to the public in their book and make this apparently reassuring comment:

We have no reason to believe that remote viewing can lead to any harmful effects,
p. 230 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

"No reason to believe that remote viewing can lead to any harmful effects" ? If the ambitious student of the book hasn't had any harmful effects by the time he or she got to page 230 the reassurance becomes somewhat dimmed a couple of pages later.

Since spontaneous psychic experiences to some extent reflect the mental state of those who are having them, you can imagine the kinds of experiences that come to people who feel frightened and out of control. Out-of-body experiences can be particularly distressing under these cir-
p. 232
cumstances, since they sometimes resemble everyday reality about as much as a Magritte painting.
p. 233 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984


"Spontaneous psychic experiences," such as the case of William Schnoebelen who got "yanked out" of his body, so-to-speak, with a mystical Out-of-Body experience ? It appears that Dr. Lawrence was a bit more forthright about the "mental state" and cause and effect..

The following declaration is not for someone who has left their analytical thinking ability behind.

Having a lot of spontaneous psychic experiences does not mean you are going crazy, or that your ability to function psychically is getting out of hand."
p. 233 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

That quoted advice is brought to the public by the same people who advise "Just follow that urge and drive." Of course, persons experiencing "spontaneous psychic experiences" might have started on that path by blanking out their very own minds, developing so-called intuitional (psychic) decision making and going by the inimitable advice given by the authors:

Do not think about it or analyze it.
p. 189 The Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities,
Russell Targ and Keith Harary, 1984

The authors and psychic practitioners which declare that "you own your own mind" and who promote "urge driving" should not get so enthralled about a demonstrated ability to remotely interfere with other people's consciousness. The next chapter considers further threats to persons who are entitled as human beings not to be violated in their bodies or in their minds.