
Three Visions Of The Impending Invasion and "Judgment" of America! 

There soon will be a cleansing of this land from all that is EVIL. 

American Indians called this land Turtle Island. They say that this land was given them by the Creator and that this land was to be a holy and righteous land. Today, that is not the case.

This "judgment" will come to pass as spoken of by the Prophets in the Old Testament, by Prophets from this land, and by Jesus Himself. 

The visions below foretell this and the information below explains why.

George Washington's

Tom Beams

Hopi - American Indian

When this Judgment comes to pass, there will be few White People left and this according to the words of Jesus revealed when He spoke to the people of this land. 


Only those who have turned their hearts to Jesus Christ will be spared and protected from the wrath of G-d which is soon to be poured out upon this land as seen in the above visions. 

Native American Legends Indicating Jesus Walked The America's!

These understandings are shown in Native American Visions, Prophecies, and are verified  in the Holy Scriptures, Old Testament, New Testament, and the "Anti-Mormon" Book of Mormon. 

Read the below information below carefully that which documents the corruption of this land and by who and you will realize that this time is nigh at hand. 

There IS a war going on and it not one between the nations of the flesh, but rather between G-d and Satan over the souls of men. Either we follow the voice of Jesus or Satan and the writings of Robert W. Murdock, the experiences given him of and from Jesus, explain clearly how we can learn how NOT to be deceived. 

And no, there will not be a "rapture"! 

The hope given us of and from Jesus is found in His promise of His putting in place "places of safety" called "Holy Places" in "Indian Country" throughout this land with the ONE PLACE where His People will be protected and gathered together called called ZION! 

The Sequence of Events To Come and Why for your examination...

1. Economic Collapse (Rev. 14)

2. Military Attack on America by the Chinese and Russians (Isaiah 13)

Think not? 

Read the documented  PROOF that United States Military Technology was sold to China and Russia by US Business's and BOTH Parties which NOW enables them to attack us!

The below links pertain to both Tom Beem's Vision and George Washington's.

 In Beem's Vision there is FIRST the "collapse" of the economy, and THEN  the attack of America by the Chinese and Russians. Note that now more then ever, the Chinese and Russians are conducting joint military exercises together which I believe are in preparation for the attack of America. 

Also there is the latest testing and potential use of their "Father of All Bombs" which can be used with the same affect of a "nuclear bomb" MINUS the "radiation fallout".

NOTE: That in Beem's Vision, most of ALL our troops were overseas when this scenario begins including the National Guard. This is our state of military un-readiness now! 



We are getting close. If the Russian's are working with the Chinese on first implementing a "economic collapse" here, then during the internal social anarchy seen in Beem's Vision that is the result of that economic collapse, THAT then will be the "ensign" for their military to move on us without mercy. 

And then there is the forgotten PROMISE of ISLAM, to attack America's cities within using nuclear weapons.

The below information gives credence to the justification for the judgment and the cleansing from off this land of all that which is not of the Creator. 

It is my hope that you will be able to make sense of what is taking place behind the "veil of deception" which is a replication here on earth of the war that took place in the "Spirit World in Heaven" between G-d and Satan over the "souls of men". 


"Taught From On High"  

to read and hear  

Robert W. Murdock! 

by Robert W. Murdock

Reasons In "Scripture" Why A Judgment Is Coming Upon America 

Exposes the "Secret Combinations of Darkness and Murder i.e. Free Masonry which is SATANIC, "priestcrafts", false "church's" etc. including the many "sins" exposed and discussed on http://www.richarddoyden.com as well as the Satanic connection to the New Age Movement. 

The "Safe Place" Of Refuge On This Land  Called "Zion" and the Scriptures Pertaining to the Establishment Of in these the "Last Days" on This Land. 

This will be a "Holy Place" protected by the Power of Almighty G-d during this Judgment and Cleansing of this land, a land which God Himself has decreed, that any people that dwell on this land must needs worship Jesus Christ, or they will be swept off by the fullness of His wrath. 

That time is nigh at hand. Even in "Indian Country", this has been shown and where Holy Places were set apart, sanctified, and protected by Jesus Christ and where He Himself will appear among these His People...the "Other Sheep"!